Ronald Glenn Rhoads
Address: 8447 East Lincoln Road, Cedar, MI 49621-9589
Spouse: Rebecca J.
Phone: 231-946-3118 231-883-8448
Bio: After graduation and two years at NMC, I enlished in the US Army and served in Germany and Viet Nam. Graduation from MSU with a BS eventually led to employment at Green Stone Farm Credit Services. I wrote agricultural loans to producers in North West Michigan for 30 years. I met my wife, Rebecca, at MSU in a History of Art class. We have three daughters residing in New Orleans, North Holloywood and in Traverse City. Together we reside on the family farm in Elmwood Tonwship and while retired from the ‘work-a-day’ world we operate a commercial cherry farm while learning the nuances of fishing in Michigan and in Florida. Life is good.