70th Birthday Party


The 70th Birthday Party for the Class of 1964 was a great success!  See the pictures here


Here is what some of your classmates had to say about it:

“That was certainly a fun evening. And there was an abundance of evidence that we can still cook and like to eat good food!  A heart-felt thank you to all those who helped orchestrate, set up & clean up.  It was a beautiful location to gather in and reflect on our common beginnings, our unique journeys and how we are redefining ourselves in retirement.  As Judy reminded us, we are truly blessed to be reaping fulfillment in this stage of life.
Thank you all who came and shared your stories and blessings.  And to all of you who could not attend, you were remembered, included in the blessing and asked about in conversations.
Let us continue to embrace life, be well and stay in touch.”
Valerie Hayes Klein
“Thanks to the “gang” for putting together a great birthday party.  Heat and all.  So good to see those who made it.  And, Val, some of us are still defining ourselves in the work world.”
Barb Racey Hardy
“I see we all have the same color hair.  Amazing how that happens.”  Diane Mann Doyle
“II expect our entire class has the same color now.”  Larry Williams
“Not me!  I refuse to give up my red hair!”  Sue Bays Harrison
“Do not ever get rid of that…it looks very good on you…”  Diane Mann Doyle
“So wonderful to see classmates again and meet spouses. Many mahalos and blessings to the committee for always coming through with flying colors. I really enjoyed this informal setting. Take care everyone….see you all again soon!!!!”
Catherine Hills Rice


Pictures from Francie Dorman:

More Pictures: