60th Reunion Photos
- Mike Nickels relaxing after the party
- We’re sure everything will come out fine Lana. Lana Bromley Nickels in her kitchen.
- Cheryl Parker Wilson, wondering if Lana needs help.
- Lana Bromley Nickels giving her new knee a workout
- Sheldon Penney dropping off some event supplies.
- Sheldon Penney trying out his chairs around the fire pit.
- Francie Dorman and Rich Nichols getting ready to take off. What a pair of cool classmates.
- Francie Dorman
- Rich Nichols taking a tour of Mike’s facility. In background looks like Dave Stradinger is spooked.
- Chuck Benson and Mike Nickels catch up.
- Barb Schmuckal Benson, Chuck Benson, Mike Nickels. Francie Dorman
- “Can you believe it?” Val Hays Klein and Anne McMath Jones
- Karen Kucera Frook and Betty Follett Dell checking out some list.
- Karen Kucera Frook, Dick Craig, Don Lowry
- Murray McKinley, Karyl Lada Kroupa and Karen Kucera Frook catching up on some Willow Hill Elementary memories.
- Taking from and refilling the food line.
- Marilyn King Pierman getting ready to chow down.
- Oops, Marilyn King Pierman
- Kaye Larcom Roush taking a break from eating. In back is Dave Dell talking to Mike and Janet McManus.
- Kay Lewis Dafoe
- Karyl Lada Kroupa Pondering what she’s going to taste next. In background is Sandy Widrig Anderson
- Sandy Widrig Anderson getting instructions from Mike Nickels on how to use the microphone.
- Our host Mike Nickels and our CEO Sandy Widrig Anderson. Note centerpieces in pictures – made by our own Val Hays Klein. Pat Hemingway Privott listening intently.
- Mike telling Sandy if she has to go – the facilities are that away. The screen shows our outhouse being delivered.
- Francie Dorman happy to see Leonard Ligon. Some other classmates include Rich Nichols, Roxana Hendges Ostlund, Ann McMath Jones.
- Anne McMath Jones and her hubby Stephen. Anne is putting their souvenir reunion pens in her purse.
- Mike’s giving us an oral tour around his “shop”
- Dave Johnson, Chuck Royal and Roxana Hendges Ostlund
- “Good to see ya” Karyl Lada Kroupa, Tom Kroupa, Sandy Widrig Anderson
- Ron Rhoads
- Marilyn Steele Haines and hubby Joe.
- Bonnie Bloxsom Sherman & Jane Fraiser
- Dan Gould joined us from Boulder Co
- Jeff Golberg checking in
- Janet Kadrovach Wildfong & Chris Schneider Sears
- Chuck Royal and Anne Back Adams
- GEJ Jones and Sandy Widrig Anderson A couple of ole neighbors and Central Grade School kidos.
- GEJ Jones
- Pat Demaray Kelley from Vermillion OH & Sally Weber Berry
- Kay Lewis Dafoe
- Bob Manthei arrived from Christchurch New Zealand
- Jeff Golberg Arrive from across the lake, Janesville WI
- Richard (Rick) Arnold & Jan
- Steve (Stephen) Peel
- Roxana Hendges Ostlund
- Irving Hoch
- Amos Esman – Kathy Robbins hubby
- Kathy Robbins Esman
- Kaye Larcom Roush
- Pat Hemmingway Privott Welcome from Powells Point NC
- Royal Runyon and Candy (Candice) Barrett Westerfield
- Cheryl Parker Wilson and Roxana Hendges Ostlund
- Barb Quick MacInnis & Val Hays Klein
- Dick (Richard) Craig
- Val and Barb reversed sides
- Our hostess and host Lana and Mike Nickels
- Mike Nickels hanging around.
- Has anyone seen Lana?
- The Dell’s Betty Follette and Dave Love your T-shirt Dave.
- Royal Runyon
- Lookin’ good Mike! (Nickels)
- Sandy Widrig Anderson your “CEO” for this event.
- Cheryl Parker Wilson Ready to put our class flowers (white rose) on our remembrance table.
- Roxana Hendges Ostlund posing for the camera.
- Sheldon Penney with his bride Tina
- Yikes Karen Kay Kucera Frook is in the middle of finishing making up our name tags, before her classmates start to arrive.
- It’s Friday and the committee is setting things up for Saturday’s event
- What’s happened to my workshop? Where are my cars? (Mike Nickels at Friday’s Setup)
- Where’s my agenda! Oh so “grateful” for all our workers (Friday set-up) Sandy Widrig Anderson CEO.
- Friday, Val Hays Klein taking a one last look at one of her centerpiece creations. Way to go Val!
- Friday – Mike wondering if the party has started yet. Sandy is ready to boogie.
- Friday set-up – Trying to decide what goes where.
- Sunday Cheryl Parker Wilson and Mike Nickels
- Looks like Cheryl and Lana are cookin’ something up.
- Cheryl telling Lana she thinks everything will work out just fine.
- Saturday’s party is winding down and GEJ Jones tells Barb Quick MacInnis how nice it was to see her again.
- Smile! Sandy has her ‘camera” in hand.
- During the afterglow – Cheryl Parker Wislon is contemplating with Betty Follette Dell if it’s time to go.
- Sheldon is backing up so he and Mike can hook up his trailer
- How many classmates does it take to hook up a trailer?
- What was so funny Mike? Looks like Dave is in a good position to do something to Sheldon.
- Or maybe it wasn’t so funny after all.
- Mike is checking the hook-up out
- Dave Dell & Mike Nichels resting after helping with clean-up
- Commitee Members – Sheldon and Dave
- Note in background a couple of cars that Mike is working on.
- Note two of Mike’s projects.
- Sandy says, “Come on Mike let’s get the show on the road.”
- So you were also lucky enough to marry into this class of 1964 family
- Sand and Lana storing left over cupcakes.
- Dave Stradinger, “where’s the broom? I’m ready to clean up.”
- The p-a-r-t-y’s over What a great time we had Lana, Bar & Chuck Benson, Mike, Rich Nichols, Francie Dorman and Betty F Dell
- We did It! Judith Danford and Sandy Widrig Anderson
- Rich Nickels and Francie Dorman, Looks like she needs a little help with her helmet.
- Staying young at heart. Looks like some of Dan Nickels iron work by the flagpole. He was definitely missed at our party.
- Karen Kucera Frook and Dave Dell taking a breather .
- Cheryl, Betty, Dave and Tinia. In back is Mike Nickels with Lyle Duane Russell
- Looks something serious is being discussed
- Lyle Duane Russell and Sandy Widrig Anderson
- GEJ Jones – Val Hays Klein- Stan Ronk
- GEJ Jones – Val Hays Klein – Stan Ronk
- Whatever it was Anne McMath Jones couldn’t believe it…. Barb Quick MacInnia and Ron Rhoades listening
- “And then ………………. ‘ Ron can’t believe it
- (Lyle) Duane, Francie’s back, GEJ , Barb & Chuck in back; Val, Stan
- The Dave’s are like bookends to this group of ladies. Dave, Betty, Cheryl, Marilyn & Dave
- Dave and Betty (Follett) Dell
- Cheryl Parker Wilson; Marilyn King Pierman and Dave Pierman
- Dave Stradinger helping with clean-up by picking up glitter from the floor 🙂 (You can come clean my floors anytime you like.)
- Something has Betty and Dave Dell & Tinia and Sheldon Penney attention. (II the corner is Mike Nickles family service corner)
- Lana guarding our historical display. Thank you Karen Kucera Frook for being our class historian
- Barb Quick MacInnis and GEJ Jones
- Diane Horning, Mike Dell & classmate Dave Stradinger cooking up our feast
- I’m ready when you are.
- It’s a family affair, Dave and Betty with daughter Angie
- Jim Harrington and friend Mary Gibson
- Ellen Maitland Monrod and Sheldon Penney (In background – what’s ya’ got there Sandy) By the way, the cupcake on the table is one of many that Sandy made for us.
- Tinia Penney and Marlene Riley Milliman
- Tinia Penney and Marlene Riley Milliman
- Diane Skudlarick Wilson and her other half Jim
- Mailyn Steele Haines and her other half Joe
- “Who is this guy?”
- “Why I’m Dick Craig, who is he”
- Here’s to you Anne Back Adams and hubby Mike. Came from Huntington Beach, California (2327 miles)
- Diane Skudlarick Wilson seems quit serious about getting her beans onto her fork
- “Howdy, Dick Craig and Lenny Ligon
- Murray McKinley telling Karen Kucera Frook another joke
- Karen Kucera Frook and Murray McKinley
- Sharon (McWatters) & Louis LaFranier
- Steve Swan, Jeff Golberg, Susan Noakes
- Judi & Steve Swan
- Ginny Gilland McKinley, Chris Schneider Sears, Jan Kadrovach Wildfong
- Bob Denison and Rich Nichols
- Rich Nichols and Francie Dorman checking out the food line.
- Francie Dorman, Marlene Riley Milliman, Sonia & Gary Clem
- Anne McMath Jones hubby Steve
- What a spread
- m-m-m good. Volunteer Diane Horning putting out Sandy’s homemade cupcakes. Thanks Sandy. Barb Benson Schmuckal in background (St Frances)
- Checking things over, So many people to visit with!
- Our Newlyweds Bonnie Bloxsom and Butch Sherman
- Tom and Karyl Lada Kroupa chowing down along with Kay Lewis Dafoe.
- Judy Whitten Banaszewski
- Larry Williams and his guest ‘d Lorrie McMahon
- Sandra (Wieland) & Larry Endres (Geez, some classmates never age)
- Kathy (Kathleen) Robbins Esman and hubby Amos
- Jay Berry (Sally Weber’s better half), Mike McManus, Steve Swan and Janet Courtade McManus from St Frances
- Jeff Golberg & Steve Swan
- GEF Jones, Jeff Golberg and Steve Swan
- Helen Maitland Monrad and Susan Noakes
- Anne Back MacInnis and Royal Runyan “Do you remember when?”
- Bonnie Bloxsom Sherman, Jan Fraiser, Marlene Riley Milliman. Janes munching of some popcorn.
- Pat Demaray Kelley and Sally Weber Berry
- Larry Williams and ‘d Lorrie McMahon are ready to check in
- Candice Barrett Westerfield and hubby Jim
- What a helpful classmate Kaye Larcom Roush helping Kathy Robbins Esman with her name tag.
- Stank Ronk and his bride Patti
- “Hey there!” Sharon McWatters LaFranier
- Jim Harrington with friend Mary Gibson
- One of our photographers for the day having her picture taken, Judith Danford.
- Val and Barb chatting away
- Cheryl Parker Wilson and Sandy Widrig Anderson getting ready to take the cupcakes to our venue. Yum – Yum
- Karen is ready to greet her classmates and guests
- Roxana Hendges Ostlund
- Cheryl Parker Wilson bringing in a bouquet of our class flowers (white rose) Roxana Hendges Ostlund ready to give her a hand.
- Valeria Hays Klein having her official reunion portrait taken
- Lana Bromley Nickels
- Valerie Hays Klein adjusting one of her centerpieces. Great job Val.
- Lana and Mike going over some of the slide show pictures.
- Friday night Karen saying she doesn’t want to interrupt Lana & Mike.
- Friday night setting up the buffet table. Mike and Kathy Dell
- Molly (the friendly pit pull) Mikes son’s dog and our mascot at Friday setup.
- Friday setup – Barb, Mike, Cheryl T-shirt says: “I thought growing old would take longer”.
- Lana, Kathy, Betty setting up on Friday
- Dave and Sheldon supervising Friday setup
- Dave Dell asking Sheldon Penney what he thinks they should do next.
- Friday Cheryl Parker Wilson – Betty Follette Dell – Karen Kay Kucera Frook
- Davd and Sheldon Friday
- Close up of one of our table centerpieces by Val
- Sandy and Mike
- Memory table all set for Saturday
- Friday, Karen doing some last memorabilia business. Looks like she has a mouth full of words, wanting to get out
- Val and Lana
- one of our photographers, Judith Danford
- Sandy looking over everything
- Mike Nickels, Judith Danford, Sandy Widrig Anderson and Lana Bromley Nickels having a Sunday get together.
- Classmates reconnecting
- Marilyn Steele Haines and Steve Swan
- Ellen Maitland Monrad conversing with Mike McManus
- Dave Pierman looking over some of Mike’s work.
- Jeff Golberg and Mike Nickels
- Class of 1964 Memorabilia Table
- Candice Barrett Westerfield having a good laugh.
- Almost ready to start the food line. “Dell Clan” putting out some of the last goodies
- Angie, Mike, Kathy Dell
- Sandy with the mike saying a few words
- Dave sitting there with a watchful eye on this son Mike who has gill duty
- “Back of the house” working crew.
- Judith Danford
- ? Rodney Harrand ?, Anne Back, Patti Ronk, Anne Dennos, Stan Ronk.
- Karen’s busy keeping track of whose coming & updating changes.
- Linda Batdorff Dahl and Francie Dorman catching up.
- Anne Dennos Shuyler and Jane Frasier. Nice back photos of Ann Back & hubby Mike Adams
- Mike turing the mike over to Lana
- You tell em’ Lana
- Gee, that went well
- Few more words from Lana
- Judith Danford, Lenny Ligon, Gary Clem, Chuck Royal
- Jim Milliken talking with Anne McMath Jones and her hubby Steve
- Tom Kroupa (St Frances), Karyl Lada Kroupa’s hubby
- Anne McMath Jones Joined us from Milwaukie OR (2213 miles)
- Rich Nichols
- How you doin’ …………………………
- Jim Harrington and Land Bromley Nickels
- Pat Demaray Kelley and Sally Weber Berry
- The LaFraniers (Louis and Sharon McWatters)
- Marilyn Steeles hubby Joe Haines
- That’s the one I was telling you about, honey, Diane Skudlarick Wilson and her other-half Jim
- Patti Ronk deep in thought. (Stan’s bride)
- The inside out house
- Our venue – Mike Nichel’s Car Restoration Shop and Museum
- Rich Nichols
- Stan Ronk
- Mike McManus
- Kathy Robbins Esman
- Kathy’s hubby Amos Esman
- Want to bet this is a deep discussion on cars?
- Lenny Ligon and Val Hayes Klein
- Marlene Riley Milliman
- Candy going through the food line.
- Candice Barrett Westerfield
- Mary Gibson guest of Jim Harrington
- Pat Hemingway Privott
- I use to be this tall, Ginny Gilland McKinley
- Tom Kroupa (St Fances), other half of Karyl Lada Kroupa
- Our volunteer staff got a chance to sit down and eat. Diane, Angie, Mike. Kathy, THANKS FOR ALL YOUR HELP!
- Gary Clem (from Ocala FL) and Bob Manthei exchanging stories
- Marilyn King talking with Anne McMath
- Val Hays Klein and Lyle Duane Russell catching up
- Barb Schmuckal Benson (St Frances) other half of our Chuck Benson
- One word says it all …….. Francie
- Mary Keegestra Keyes and Ron Rhodes
- Mary Keegstra Keyes
- Ron Rhodes
- MaryBeth Milliken (Jim’s other-half) and Francie Dorman, “And this one here …………………………………
- Don Lowry
- GEJ and Anne
- All our volunteer cooks/servers: Dave Stradinger, Mike Dell, Kathy Dell, Angie Dell, Diane Horning, and Dave Dell
- The wonderful volunteer cooks: Dave Stradinger, Mike & Kathy Dell (Thank you to our professional party planner)
- Some more wonderful volunteers that helped make sure our food dishes kept filled, etc: Angie Dell, Diane Horning, & classmate Dave Dell.
- Kay Lewis Dafoe
- Kay & Kay
- Larry Williams’ friend. d’ Lorrie McMahon
- No Dan, I remember it happening this way ……………..
- Now the truth is coming out
- Do you believe me or Lana ?
- Dan Gould
- Gary Clem ready to do a high five and Bob Manthei
- Gary and Bob telling Sandy what a great job the committee has done.
- Gary Clem listing to Bob Manthei talk with Sandy
- Bob Manthei
- Sonia Clem (Gary’s bride)
- Janet Kadrovach Wildfong and Kathy Robbins Esman
- Who me? Bob and Francie
- Bob Manthei
- Stephen Jones (Ann McMath) filling Dan Gould in on something.
- Oh No-o-o-o!, Bonnie Bloxsom Sherman
- Mom and Daughter working together Betty and Angie
- Steve Swan or maybe Santa Claus
- Rich Nichols’s toy
- Name tag says it all
- Murray McKinley
- Dave Pierman and Steve Swan
- Susan Noakes
- Patti Ronk – Stans other-half
- Mike, Mike, Janet, Lana
- Great photo – Mike Nickels, Mike and Janet McManus and Lana Bromley Nickels.