Racey, Barbara Lue

Racey, Barbara Lue

Barbara Lue Racey Hardy
Address: 1476 Greenbriar Drive, Traverse City, MI 49685
Spouse: Jim Hardy
Email: jhardy@chartermi.net
Phone: 231-947-6157
Bio: I recently celebrated my ninth year with Ace Hardware Company as the office manager in their Corporate Office. Next year I will be going into semi retirement and hopefully somewhere during that year retiring. My husband, Jim, retired 3 years ago and it’s time to join him. Time with my children and their family continue to be the bright spot in our days. Six grandchildren; 5 granddaughters and 1 grandson. Age range 5-15. Two ready to take driver’s ed soon!! Traverse City continues to be the best place in the world to reside. Would not want to live anywhere else. (Central Grade friends–have 1 daughter teaching there and 2 grandchildren attend.)